Saturday, March 5, 2016

Wanting Joy

Sometimes Joy is right in front of us, we just have to open our hearts.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Finding Strength

In everyday life the tight rope we walk of right and wrong sometimes becomes unsteady, but when we rely on our Father in Heaven our balance becomes much easier to to make each step count. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Just Outside My Door

I step outside my door 
and feel the CRISP morning chill,
as I inhale a brand NEW day,
where nothing has gone wrong
and no MISTAKES have been made,
but there is plenty of time
for LESSONS to be learned.

Everyday is a new beginning what we do with it is what counts. 

How do feel when you first walk out side your door each day. Let me know by commenting below. And don't forget to follow me on Facebook.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


One thing that is important to me is my belief in God above.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Your Smile

Happy Valentines Day.

Sorry this wasn't here earlier i was having issues.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Will No One Talk to Me

Even though I am an adult there is still that child in me that wants to be accepted and loved and know that I am visible. And some days I can feel alone in a room full of people, and even though I am an adult I still can feel the sting of being ignored.

A heart that hurts as loneliness builds.
Will no one talk to me?
Laughter rings in vibrant swirls.
Will no one talk to me?
A soul sinks deep into despair as conversations flow.
No words spoken to engage my thoughts.
A wall I must not see.
My heart aches, I can not tell.
Will no one talk to me?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Another Morning

Have you ever woke to the annoying sound of your alarm clock and just want to throw it across the room and go back to bed.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tears Fall

In all of our lives we have either lost someone by some kind of separation or have known someone who has lost a loved one. This is for all those who have shed a tear for those they've lost. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Take Flight

Everyone has those days when you go somewhere quite and you contemplate and try to figure out who you are and what to do with your life and where to go from here.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Welcome to my blog. I love reading poetry and especially writing it. I heard once that poetry is the language of heaven and I believe it. It's like being able to speak in a rhythmic harmonious way with out music, which is why songs come from poems.

I hope you enjoy what you read, sometimes they will be Happy, sometimes Sad, sometimes Spiritual, and sometime you'll see I'm mad. I'm different then most poets out there right now I have a different rhythm and flow to my words, but I hope you give my words a chance.

Sometimes the words of a poet are heard by the heart of another.